This Wittgenstein Reading Group meets about one a month in term times at St Hilda's College, Oxford UK.

Meetings are from 4.45pm-6.45pm.

They consist of discussion of about 20 pages of text which members have read beforehand.

Members include fellows, current graduate students, and other interested parties who have studied philosophy.

The convenor is Richard Gipps. Please contact him at to ask about opportunities/requirements for joining.

This (Hilary 2025) term we shall be discussing the end of the Philosophical Investigations (part II) and the beginning of the Remarks on the Foundations of Mathematics.
  • 3rd February. 4:45 pm-6.45pm. Canada Room. St Hilda’s College. Philosophical Investigations (part II / Philosophical Psychology: a fragment ) old edition: pp 211ff to the end; new edition: §§241ff of the ‘Fragment'… to the end.
  • 24th February. 4:45 pm-6.45pm. Julia Mann Room. Remarks on the Foundations of Maths… pp 2-18; §§1-50.

Texts already discussed:
  • Remarks on Frazer's Golden Bough 
  • Lectures on Aesthetics, Freud, and Religious Belief
  • Remarks on the Philosophy of Psychology vol 1
  • Last Writings on the Philosophy of Psychology vols 1 & 2
  • Zettel
  • Culture & Value
  • Cambridge Lectures - Moore's Notes
  • Remarks on Frazer's Golden Bough
  • On Certainty
A philosopher who is not taking part in discussions is like a boxer who never goes into the ring. (Maurice O'Connor Drury, quoting Wittgenstein, 1930)